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  • Do I Need to Confirm my Urine Pregnancy Test With a Blood Test?

Do I Need to Confirm my Urine Pregnancy Test With a Blood Test?

Both urine and blood pregnancy tests detect human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG. While a urine pregnancy test will only tell you if you are pregnant or not, a blood pregnancy test will tell you your exact hCG level. This can be helpful if your provider wants to see if your hCG levels are rising appropriately. This may be done in women undergoing fertility treatments or where there is a concern for a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

Some women are also told that they need a blood pregnancy test to confirm their urine test, and again this is not true since urine pregnancy tests today are so accurate. As mentioned earlier, there are certainly times when a blood hCG test is needed, but it should not be used as a routine confirmation of pregnancy.

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