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Baby Development: Your 1 Month Old

1. One-month check-up

Your child’s growth will be a major focus at the one-month check-up, but that isn’t all your child’s pediatrician wants to know. Your child’s doctor will also be interested in how breastfeeding is going and how your new family is adjusting to life with a newborn. Share any feelings of depression or anxiety, so that the doctor can connect you with resources and support if needed.

See your one-month check-up from a pediatrician’s perspective with Dr. Sara Connolly.

2. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be one of the biggest challenges new moms face. This task may not start going smoothly until your baby is 4-6 weeks old, when he or she is latching well, and your milk supply has become well established. Try to wait until after this point to add a bottle to your routine.

Read our interview with Bundoo OB/GYN and Breastfeeding Consultant, Dr. Jen Lincoln, to learn more about this new responsibility.

3. Your baby\’s development

At 6 weeks old, your baby has already come a long way in terms of development. At this age, he or she is turning toward sounds, communicating through crying, and improving body strength on a daily basis. This is a great age to start tummy time, or letting your infant lay on his or her stomach on a firm, flat surface for a few minutes while he or she is awake. This will help those back, neck, and shoulder muscles develop!

Discover more details about your growing baby with Bundoo Pediatrician, Dr. Sara Connolly.

4. The first adventure

The first few weeks of your baby’s life will likely be spent at home, but by 7 weeks, you may be feeling stir crazy. When leaving the house before your baby’s 2-month shots, try to avoid crowded places. Don’t be afraid to ask people to wash their hands before coming near your baby, and carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with you. At this age, your baby is still quite vulnerable to infections.

Find out what else to think about before your baby’s first trip outside the home with Bundoo Pediatrician, Dr. Kristie Rivers.

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