Holiday Gift For Mom 2022

Looking for some good gift ideas for the breastfeeding mom in your life this holiday season? Here’s a doctor-approved list of ideas that almost any breastfeeding mom would love.

Meals—Give her the gift of not having to worry about cooking by stocking her freezer with some ready-to-eat meals. Bring disposable plates and utensils so she doesn’t have to clean up after. Bonus points: include dessert!

Easy-to-grab snacks—Nursing moms need to eat too, often one-handed. A gift basket filled with snacks such as granola bars, cheese sticks, mixed nuts, and crackers can ensure she gets much-needed calories while feeding her baby. Be sure to throw some chocolate in there, too.

Water bottle—It is important to stay hydrated when breastfeeding, and this can often go by the wayside during those busy newborn days (and nights). Buy her a quality, BPA-free water bottle to remind this new mama that she needs to drink up.

Magazines/books/DVDs—Cluster feeds and long nursing sessions are an excellent time to catch up with a new book or magazine or start a new TV series. Find out what she might be into and help her stock up. A subscription to online streaming is another great way to help her relax while she works hard growing her new baby.

Breastfeeding book—There are lots to choose from, but you can’t go wrong with \”The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding.\” Check out our marketplace for more options, too. These can help her if she has a nagging question in the middle of the night and needs to get an answer quickly.

Nursing bra/gift card—Quality nursing bras can be very expensive. Find where she can get one locally and offer to buy one, or give her a gift card (and maybe an afternoon out to herself to get one, too). Trust us—she will thank you!

Something luxurious—New moms often put themselves last, and it’s important to remind her to take care of themselves. Whether it’s a gift card for a pedicure or a massage or some free babysitting to let her get out of the house, these kinds of presents will let her focus on herself again…even if it’s only between feedings!

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