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  • How can I Prepare for Breastfeeding my Baby Before I Deliver?

How can I Prepare for Breastfeeding my Baby Before I Deliver?

Getting some information about breastfeeding before you give birth can definitely make those first few weeks less stressful and help you feel more in control. While nothing teaches you better than actually doing it, learning the basics of breastfeeding ahead of time can help lessen your anxiety. Here are some ways to prepare:

Check out our Bundoo breastfeeding articles here.

Take a breastfeeding class offered through your doctor’s office or hospital.

Buy a reliable breastfeeding book.

Talk with friends or family members who’ve been successful (try to avoid negative people because they can scare you off!).

Join your local La Leche League group.  They love having pregnant moms join before they deliver.

Consider meeting with a lactation consultant prenatally.

Make sure your baby’s future pediatrician is knowledgeable about and supportive of breastfeeding.

Join our Bundoo breastfeeding community group.

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