Why is Glycerine Good For Your Skin?

Glycerine is a humectant. Humectants have many uses, including as a component of many moisturizer formulations. Glycerine makes a particularly effective moisturizer because it is hydrophilic, or ‘water-loving’. This means it does not permeate the skin, instead remaining on the surface, retaining moisture and preventing the skin from drying out.

Other factors that make glycerine an appealing ingredient for use within moisturizing formulations are:
– Strong physico-chemical stability. Can resist environmental stresses, including extreme temperatures and exposure to light.
– Skin safety. No toxicity when applied to the skin.
– Good compatibility with other chemicals. Limited or no reactivity with other compounds and chemicals, this is essential when being used as part of a formulation.
– Cost effective.

For people who have dry or sensitive skin due to a medical condition, such as eczema, or as a side-effect of chemotherapy, the use of a high quality moisturizer can greatly improve their quality of life. A good moisturizer will provide soothing relief and protect vulnerable areas from further aggravation by environmental irritants. The Ozalys Precious Care Day and Night Moisturizing Cream does exactly this, providing care and nourishment to sensitive skin.

About Ozalys

Ozalys’ products have been designed with women who have been affected by cancer in mind. Ozalys allows women to continue to care for themselves every day using products that innovate through their formulas, optimal absorption and packaging. Ozalys’ specially-formulated solutions are catered for physiological conditions that cause dermal sensitivity, or for the side effects of certain treatments that may result in olfactory and dermal ultra-sensitivity.

Ozalys’ personal hygiene, face and body care products have all been developed with the utmost care, minimising preservatives and excluding all substances suspected of being harmful to the body. Their highly soothing, moisturising and protective properties, as well as their delicate application and scent, turn daily beauty routines into moments of well-being and comfort.


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