Women smokers may wonder if it’s safe to smoke while breastfeeding. There are very few reasons a woman should not...
There may be times after giving birth when a new mom may wish to remove milk from her breasts (such as in the case of...
Many women who are breastfeeding and find themselves pregnant again are often told by friends, family members, and even...
In this case, they are allergic to a food that the mother is eating which is then passed to the baby in the breast...
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) encourages exclusive breastfeeding for baby, but many families rely on formula...
1. Reasons your baby may cry Perhaps one of the greatest struggles parents face with their infants is the fact that it...
You’d think getting started breastfeeding would be easy — after all, women have been breastfeeding children for...
While there are countless benefits to breastfeeding, many new mothers are shocked to learn that breastfeeding can be...
The vast majority of women have heard that “breast is best” when it comes to feeding their newborns, but many women...
You know that most childcare experts, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommend breastfeeding exclusively...
Both organizations recommend that babies should never be placed in bed with a bottle containing anything but water. For...
The first few days after your baby is born are full of joy but can also be overwhelming. Figuring out your new...
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