Despite planning otherwise, sometimes babies arrive a little too quickly! While the American Congress of Obstetricians...
You’ve just spent nearly 40 weeks growing a human, carefully watching what you eat and how much you weigh. Now that...
Most commercial images of laboring women show them lying down in a hospital bed. While this makes sense if your legs...
A research team at the University of Minnesota just delivered some news about cesarean sections: not only are...
All women have some vaginal bleeding after giving birth. However, sometimes it can be hard to know what is considered...
While it might be fun to have your baby arrive on your best friend’s birthday or on a day with special meaning to you...
While the media seems to focus on how quickly celebrity moms bounce back after pregnancy, we are covering the more...
Preterm birth happens when a woman gives birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy. With this issue complicating about 12...
When preparing to give birth, many expectant moms have heard about episiotomies and wonder if they will have one...
Some hospitals have a blanket policy against videotaping medical procedures, and this may include childbirth. Others do...
Having a premature baby in the NICU is a difficult situation for any parent — and it’s unfortunately common....
At some point, after your baby is born, your doctor or midwife will place two clamps on the umbilical cord. He or she...
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