Due to recent outbreaks covered in the news media, many parents have concerns about Adenovirus. With misunderstanding...
In the first year of life, the physical milestones are the most obvious and exciting. As babies grow from newborns to...
The word fat has all sorts of negative connotations; it is difficult to imagine a scenario where being described as...
Now that most children receive the chickenpox vaccine, we see fewer and fewer cases of chickenpox. Your child should...
There’s no doubt the adults in your house are excited about the arrival of a newborn, but many new parents are...
Babies cost more than new parents might think. In 2005, Redbook Magazine and VISA surveyed 1,000 parents — 500...
For many new parents, hiring that first non-family babysitter can be a harrowing experience. After all, you are...
No matter how patient a parent is, it’s very hard to hear an angry toddler say, “I hate you!” Your first reaction...
The Jewish holiday Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the Temple in ancient times. It is known as the festival of...
Kitchens are often the center of a house—they are the most heavily traveled room in most homes, where family members...
Many toddlers easily make the move to a "big kid's bed", but it's not always a seamless transition. Before you attempt...
What do Billy Crystal, Jim Carrey, Katie Couric, and Cameron Diaz all have in common? Obviously they\'re all...
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