There are lots of things that you might worry about when having your baby: how will I know I am in labor? Will it hurt?...
Every time you get in a car, pregnant or not, you should wear a lap-shoulder belt. As your belly expands, it is...
Depending on your baby’s position in the uterus, he or she may indeed be playing soccer with your bladder or cervix....
Placental abruption occurs in approximately 1 in 150 pregnancies. This is when the placenta prematurely separates from...
If you are pregnant and have noticed a bump near your anus that gets worse after straining, it is very likely to be...
1. Week 27 Welcome to the third trimester (see what happens in the second trimester)! By now you may have gained about...
According to some estimates, 8 percent of all children in the US have at least one identified food allergy. The peanut...
If you are pregnant and planning for your delivery, you may or may not have heard of birth plans. A birth plan is...
A neonatal intensive care unit, commonly referred to as a NICU, is a special unit in a hospital dedicated to caring for...
The Big Day is coming, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything you want to take care of before your baby is...
Preterm birth happens when a woman gives birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy. With this issue complicating about 12...
With up to 75 percent of all pregnant women experiencing back pain at some point in their pregnancy, many want to...
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