Having a baby and not sure where to start or what to read? Try the prenatal course. Aiming to have a positive birth experience and want to know how to prepare?
Get ready for birth and the early newborn days with this educational 4 week prenatal course. Designed to give parents confidence for their upcoming birth and parenting.
The prenatal course sessions covers the basics of labour, navigating interventions, coping techniques, breastfeeding, postpartum care and baby basics. Having the right information about pregnancy and birth ensures you are empowered to make informed decisions for your pregnancy and birth.
Many women today choose to have a doula present with them when they give birth like prenatal course. Here are some of the reasons why.
1. They inform you.
Having the right information about pregnancy and birth ensures you are empowered to make informed decisions for your pregnancy and birth. Prenatally, a doula will spend time with you to fill any gaps in your knowledge. They will ensure you have the information necessary to navigate birth and all the many decisions that come with.
2. They put your mind at ease.
Many times, all a woman needs during labour is to hear that what is happening is normal and that she is doing a great job. That can be enough to get the mother-to-be through the next contraction and on to a happy delivery.
3. Focused on you.
All their attention is on helping you achieve an empowering experience. Anyone will perform better at a task with the right encouragement and support. Doulas are trained specifically in how to make you the most comfortable and how to help you have the most positive birth experience possible. Their focus will be entirely on you and helping any other birth partners support you effectively.
4. The evidence of effectiveness.
The evidence behind having a doula present during labour and birth supports all the following claims :
- Decrease in the risk of Caesarean Section (C-Section)
- Increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth
- Decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief
- Decrease in the baby’s risk of a low five minute Apgar score
- Decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience
- Shorter labours by 41 minutes on average